History and military dictatorship memory in periods of (self-)censorship: Brazilian journalism and its historiographic clichés of self-legitimation


  • André Bonsanto Dias Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte Natal, RN, Brasil


Journalism, military dictatorship, (self)censorship, memory, history.


The proposal of this work is to problematize the military dictatorship as a central event for the constitution of the modern identities of Brazilian journalism. In order to do so, our focus will be to understand how this journalism - specifically thinking in the cases of Folha de S. Paulo and O Globo - articulated a series of discourse that, between memory and history, legitimized a particular narrative about its performance in the period. Using the practice of (self)censorship and sewing what we define as historiographic clichés of self-legitimation, these newspapers deliberately ended up to construct a history that diluted and silenced a series of discursive ambiguities in the attempt to legitimize its acknowledged leading role in democracy times.

Author Biography

André Bonsanto Dias, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte Natal, RN, Brasil

Bolsista de pós-doutoramento (PNPD/CAPES) no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). Doutor em Comunicação pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)





Dossiê Jornalismo, liberdade de expressão e censura: 50 anos depois do AI-5