Military dictators in Vilhena (RO) streets: history and memories in the formation of public spaces


  • Allysson Viana Martins Universidade Federal de Rondônia Rondônia, RO, Brasil
  • Khauane Oliveira Farias Universidade Federal de Rondônia Rondônia, RO, Brasil


Memory, military dictatorship, dictators, Vilhena, streets.


The cities conserve spatial and temporal logics that reflect their historical and memorial marks, to the same extent that they hide others. The objective of this article is to evaluate the memories of the residents of the streets who honor the military dictators in Vilhena, country city of Rondônia, namely: Castelo Branco, Costa e Silva and Presidente Médici. Through structured interviews with half the inhabitants of these streets, we noticed an ignorance of most of them, even of those who don"™t want to change the name of that streets, because they are accustomed to its nomenclature, they don"™t understand the importance of the alteration or they don"™t know this process. Even so, knowing about the dictators and the period in which they governed doesn"™t necessarily reveal an interest in change.

Author Biographies

Allysson Viana Martins, Universidade Federal de Rondônia Rondônia, RO, Brasil

Professor de Jornalismo e coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Espaços e Temporalidades Comunicacionais (COMtatos) da Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR). Doutor em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA).

Khauane Oliveira Farias, Universidade Federal de Rondônia Rondônia, RO, Brasil

Estudante de Jornalismo da Universidade Federal de Rondônia. Integrou o Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC) de 2016 até 2018.





Dossiê Jornalismo, liberdade de expressão e censura: 50 anos depois do AI-5